First Lady Alfredia C. Douglas is the youngest of twelve children born to the late Johnny Pannell Sr. and Sally Blair Pannell of Tupelo, MS. She received salvation at an early age and was baptized at the age of ten years old under the leadership of the late Rev. N.T. Triplett. She served at the Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church as financial secretary, assistant to the announcement clerk, usher board, choir member, and the late Lottie Armstrong Mission Circle, under the leadership of the late Rev. W. Lee Robinson.
Alfredia graduated from Belden High School in 1976 and attended Itawamba Community College in Tupelo, MS. Since then she has studied Auditing and Accounting.
She later moved to Kansas City, in September of 1984. She became a faithful member of the Guiding Star Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Clyde Rice until April of 1988.
She has been employed with the Board of Public Utilities for nearly 30 years. With her experience and background in banking, she is known for her expertise in identifying counterfeit currency.
First Lady Douglas works alongside her husband in ministry serving as Director of the Women’s department, where she has formed the Women of Worth ministry. She is President of the Elders and Minister’s Wives ministry and Beautification Committee, as well as a variety of other roles.
Alfredia is a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt, a mentor, and a friend to many. She has a sweet spirit and a servant’s heart for God and His people. Her motto is “in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”. Her heart’s desire is to be a blessing to others and to do God’s will.